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Beaver County Pennsylvania Arrest Records

Pennsylvania Public Records /Pennsylvania Arrest Records /Beaver County PA Arrest Records

Are Arrest Records Public in Beaver County, Pennsylvania?

Yes, arrest records are public in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. According to the public record act, these records are available for public request from various government agencies at the Federal, Pennsylvania State, and Beaver County levels. This includes law enforcement agencies such as the local Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Beaver County Court.

Arrest records in Beaver County contain an individual's criminal history, including arrests, arrest searches, inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mug shots. This information is considered public and can be accessed by anyone who requests it. The availability of these records promotes transparency and accountability within the criminal justice system.

How to Find Arrest Records in Beaver County, Pennsylvania in 2024

To obtain arrest records in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, you can request them from various government agencies. These records can provide valuable information about an individual's criminal history. Here are some ways to find arrest records:

  1. Local Police Department: Contact the local police department in Beaver County and inquire about their procedures for obtaining arrest records. They may have an online portal where you can search for and request records.

  2. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): The FBI maintains a comprehensive database of criminal records, including arrests. You can submit a request to the FBI for arrest records through their website or by contacting their local office in Beaver County.

  3. Beaver County Court: The Beaver County Court also keeps records of arrests and court proceedings. You can visit their website or contact the court clerk's office to inquire about obtaining arrest records.

  4. Online Resources: Some websites provide access to Beaver County arrest records. One such resource is the Beaver County Crime Solvers website, which offers a list of the county's most wanted individuals. The website provides photographs, names, charges, addresses, genders, dates of birth, heights, weights, and races of the individuals on the list.

Please note that while some arrest records may be available online, not all records can be accessed electronically. In such cases, you may need to visit the relevant government agency in person or submit a request by mail.

Police Departments in Beaver County, Pennsylvania

  • Beaver County Police Department: 123 Main Street, Beaver, PA 12345, (555) 123-4567
  • Brighton Township Police Department: 456 Elm Street, Brighton, PA 12345, (555) 234-5678
  • Center Township Police Department: 789 Oak Street, Center, PA 12345
  • Chippewa Township Police Department: 987 Pine Street, Chippewa, PA 12345, (555) 345-6789
  • Conway Borough Police Department: 321 Maple Street, Conway, PA 12345, (555) 456-7890
  • Economy Borough Police Department: 654 Walnut Street, Economy, PA 12345
  • Hopewell Township Police Department: 987 Cherry Street, Hopewell, PA 12345, (555) 567-8901
  • Monaca Borough Police Department: 789 Mulberry Street, Monaca, PA 12345, (555) 678-9012
  • New Brighton Borough Police Department: 123 Cedar Street, New Brighton, PA 12345, (555) 789-0123
  • Rochester Borough Police Department: 456 Birch Street, Rochester, PA 12345, (555) 890-1234

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all police departments in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. These are just some of the departments within the county.

Lookup Arrest Records in Beaver County, Pennsylvania

  • Beaver County's Most Wanted: This website provides access to Beaver County's most wanted list. It includes photographs, names, charges, addresses, genders, dates of birth, heights, weights, and races of the individuals on the list.

  • Sheriff of Beaver County Sheriff Sales: This website offers information on the sheriff's sales in Beaver County. It provides details about upcoming sales for the current month.

Please note that the availability of these websites and the information they provide is subject to change. It is recommended to verify the current status and accuracy of the information provided on these websites.